CGAL Classification Package Given a point cloud and a user-defined set of classes (e.g. vegetation, ground, roofs, etc.), the algorithm classifies the points by computing a set of geometric attributes and minimizing a globally regularized…
Given a closed triangulated surface mesh, the algorithm iteratively contracts the surface mesh along the surface mean curvature flow until convergence. A 1D skeleton is then extracted from the contracted surface. The skeleton encodes the…
Given a triangulated surface mesh as input and a set of source points on the mesh, the algorithm computes a data structure that can efficiently answer shortest path queries from any point on the mesh…
Acute3D develops software that allows to build real-3D, high resolution models from simple photographs. They use the CGAL 3D Delaunay triangulation and the AABB Tree, a data structure that allows to perform efficient intersection and…
As Rigid as Possible Mesh Deformation allows to deform a region of interest on a surface mesh by displacing a set of handles. This project started as a Google Summer of Code 2011 project of…